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How to start having fun on the platform

How to start having fun on the platform

Of course, every newcomer can be confused when they first enter a social casino. Everything is very colorful and interesting, but you still don’t understand how everything works. It is for this case that we have created a small guide for beginners, in which you will learn how to start playing. Well, to get access to the desired pleasure, you need to:

Create an account


Everything is very simple here. You need to create an account so that you can accumulate points for the rounds you win. This is an additional motivation, and therefore, for pleasure.

Get to know the symbols


Our app has its own special symbols, and their meaning directly affects the outcome. To understand the app better, just read the meaning of all the symbols.

Start having fun


All you need to do is press a single button, and that’s it – the reels are already spinning and your winning round is just around the corner.

Don’t lose time:
The timer has started!

30 Days
09 Hours
36 Minutes
36 Seconds

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